News and Events


Coffee With ALE- Series -1 Closing Ceremony  – April 2018

Coffee with ALE -Series -1, closing ceremony was held on 14th April 2018 at Meerubahuru Maalam of Maldives Costumes Service. Ceremony started from the recitation of Quruan after that founder member of ALE Raheema gave a speech about the objectives of this program and why ALE continued this program in Male. She Mentioned that employees from government and private organizations needs to be trained and groomed for the work they are doing to make the organization successful. It is important to have responsible and leadership quality people to work in the organizations for a better future. Also she highlighted the challenges and ALE faced during the one year of training.

Ten sessions for ten topics were covered during the one year by focusing Malé and from 36 organizations 228 people were trained.  Maldives Customs Service was awarded a plaque for the main sponsorship  for Coffee with ALE -Series-1. Coffee with ALE  Leadership certificate was awarded to the three  individuals and NGO’s   attended 80{2b1141c727f454da86535efba5024309b538130319b1c879d1abd6439c1e8832} of the sessions and 80{2b1141c727f454da86535efba5024309b538130319b1c879d1abd6439c1e8832} and 70{2b1141c727f454da86535efba5024309b538130319b1c879d1abd6439c1e8832} participation from the organizations were awarded certificates. Chief  guest for the ceremony Hon. Zenisha Shaheed Zaki thanked ALE for the work doing for the women economic empowerment and continuing to build a strong nation with the empowered women.

Coffee With ALE- 10th Program on ‘Boost Your Confidence & Self-Esteem’ – March 2018

Coffee with ALE – Program 10 on ‘Boost your confidence & Self-Esteem’ was conducted on 17 March 2018 at Maldives Customs Service Building, Meerubahuru Maalam. Speaker Athifa Ibrahim highlighted how low self-esteem is impacting on one’s life, and explained how to improve  self-esteem by thinking about what is affecting to a person. To avoid negative talks, and to connect with people you love. Learn to be assertive and think positive and take care about your own self. At the end of the session 15 minutes Q & A was opened.

Coffee With ALE- 9th Program on ‘Anger Management’ – February 2018

Coffee with ALE – Program 9 on ‘Anger Management’ was held  at Maldives Customs Service Building, Meerubahuru Maalam. This was the first every program conducted in Maldives including people with hearing disabilities.  The goal of anger management is to reduce both  emotional feelings and the physiological arousal that anger causes. A person can’t get rid of, or avoid, the things or the people that enrage her or him, nor can a person change them, but one can learn to control her or his reactions. It was an interesting session with Speaker Zaushan and before the session ends 15 minutes Q & A was opened.

Coffee With ALE- 8th Program on ‘Sexual Harassment Law’ – January 2018

Coffee with ALE – Program 8 on ‘Sexual Harassment Law’ was conducted on 20 January 2018  at Maldives Customs Service Building- Meerubahuru Maalam to create awareness among people about the law. The session was conducted with the help of Attorney General’s Office. Speaker Uza Anan Ahmed Rasheed explains the law and how to identify the sexual harassment within the work place or from anyone which may force the person to face.

At the end of the session 15 minutes Q & A was opened for the participants.

Coffee With ALE- 7th Program on ‘Time Management’ – November 2017

Coffee with ALE – Program 7 on ‘Time Management’ was conducted on 25 November 2017 at Maldives Customs Service Building. Ms. Fathina Gasim (Trainer and a Lecturer) was the speaker of the program, who is presently the Sales & Marketing Manager of DHAMAS Company Private Limited. The two hours program was focused on how to manage the time during the work hours, identifying the important and urgent tasks.   Information on deciding the proportion of distribution (thoughts, conversations,actions) at work etc.etc.

It was an informative life skill program for employees from different offices and companies including government and private sector. It was an interactive session and at the end of the program 15 minutes of Q & A was opened for the participants.


National CSO Forum on Sustainable Development Goals 2017

ALE participated National Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) Forum on Sustainable Development Goals 2017 organized by Ministry of Environment and Energy and UNDP from 28 – 29 October 2017. The SGDs addressed issues relating to children, gender, health, climate change and human trafficking and  discussed with the NGOs how to achieve these goals by 2030 with over 100 NGOs participated in this Forum.


Coffee With ALE- 6th Program on ‘Goal Setting’ – October 2017

Sixth Program of Coffee with ALE on ‘Goal Setting’ was conducted on 21 October 2017 at Maldives Customs Service Building. Mr. Ahmed Nasir (Trainer) took the session. Two hours program was focused on how to plan the process of identifying something that you want to accomplish and establishing measurable goals and time frames. How to work on achieving the goals you want. It was an interactive session and at the end of the program 15 minutes of Q & A was opened for the participants.


Coffee With ALE- 5th Program on ‘Gender Equality Law’ – September 2017

Fifth program of Coffee with ALE series was on held at Meerubahuru Maalam,  Maldives Customs Service Building, on 16 September 2017. Topic for the month was information about ‘ Gender Equality Law’. Ahmed Anwar ( Consultant Ministry of Gender and Family) provided information about the Gender Equality Law and what are the rights equally given to male and female  in the  law no 2016/18 which was gazetted 23 August 2016.

58 Participants from 31 sectors including government offices and private companies and NGOs were participated.

At the end of the program 15 minutes of Q & A was opened for the participants and the participants gained information about the law.


Coffee With ALE- 4th program on ‘Stress Management’ – August 2017

Fourth program of Coffee with ALE series was held at Meerubahuru Maalam,  Maldives Customs Service Building, on 5th August 2017. Topic for the month was ‘ Stress Management’. Mohamed Zaushan ( Public Speaker and Trainer) explained work stress and personal stress and how to deal with it. At the end of the program 15 minutes of Q & A was opened for the participants. The participants were very open and the program ended with lot of information’s and by  creating awareness on stress and managing it.


Coffee With ALE- 3rd program on ‘Leadership’ – July 2017

Third program of Coffee with ALE was held on 22nd July 2017 at Meerubahuru Maalam,  Maldives Customs Service Building. The topic for the program was ‘Leadership’ Mr. Mohamed Shihab, chief operating officer of DHAMAS Company private limited addressed about the leadership. Mr. Shihab explained the quality of leadership, peoples responsibilities and how to be a good leader. two hours and fifteen minutes program was very interactive and it was concluded with ten minutes Q&A.

Coffee With ALE- 2nd program on ‘Social Isolation and Bullying at Work Place’ – May 2017

Second program of Coffee With ALE on ‘Social Isolation and Bullying at Work Place’ was held on 17th May 2017 at Meerubahuru Maalam, Maldives Customs Building with 51 participants from 16 different sectors including government and private sectors. Speaker of the day, Mrs. Aishath Hazma (Masters Degree in the area of applied positive phychology ) explained different types of bullying and how to understand bullying and friendly comments. How to face the problem and take decision. Also she highlighted how people are effected by bullying and how people are isolated withing the work place. She gave information on how one can take the decision and also how one can help someone who is facing this problem in her or his


work place. Social isolation and bullying is happening not only in schools and we are not taking about the work place bullying or isolation. There are many workers of different ages who are frustrated and depressed of what is happening in the work place but they do not understand how to face this issues and how to take the right decision.

An interactive two hours with coffee ended with Q&A and participants shared how the isolation and bullying happening in their respective offices.

Coffee With ALE- launching ceremony and 1st program on ‘Women and Women  Entrepreneurship from  Religious point of View’ – April 2017

During the launching ceremony founder of ALE Ms. Raheema Adam said, Coffee with ALE is a series started on 15th April 2017 to create awareness and empower women entrepreneurs and employees from government and private sectors to develop quality and responsible people in the Maldives. Twelve program of this series will provide information on twelve different topics by professional speakers. And Ms. Raheema thanked Maldives Customs Service for becoming the official partner of the series for one year.

Chief guest of the ceremony, Chief Superintendent of Maldives Customs Service Mr. Abdulla Waheed recognized the work ALE is doing for the development of the nation and said that Maldives Customs Service Academy is proud to provide their assistance to  the development of people and thank to ALE for the opportunity given to be the official partner of the series Coffee With ALE.

The 1st program with  launching ceremony was a huge success. Seventy four invitees attended the ceremony from different offices, companies and from women entrepreneurs. Before the session concluded fifteen minutes for Q & A  was open and participants raised their concerns regarding the problems they face.

SWEEP 2017- International Symposium, International Exhibition, MAWE Achievement Awards

Madhya Pradesh Association of Women Entrepreneurs organized SWEEP 2017 as a gateway for women entrepreneurs to meet exporters and importers from various countries. The symposium was held at Hotel Vijan Mahal, Jabalpur (M.P.) India from 5-6 April 2017.  MAWE achievement award was given to women who are recognized from different countries. Founder of ALE Ms. Raheema Adm was awarded MAWE LEADERSHIP AWARD 2017 for her tremendous effort and leadership.



Starting on 15th April 2017

This program is a series starting on 15 April 2017 focusing on Leadership & Empowerment.
ALE will contribute towards achievement of ‘gender equality’ and the ‘active participation of men and women in political, social and economic activities on an equal footing. To Increase Women’s economic activities and responsible employees , this program will be held once a month. First twelve program will focus on the following topics.

  1. Women and women entrepreneurs in religious point of view
  2. Knowledge of Economy
  3. Leadership
  4. Stress Management
  5. Life Skill Coaching
  6. Goal Setting
  7. Social Isolation and Bullying
  8. Friendship Dynamics ( Betrayal, Conflicts and Negative Competitions)
  9. Communication skills
  10. Awareness of limits of knowledge
  11. Professional capacity / autonomy
  12. Information on banking and financing


Rehendhi Award 2016

8 March 2017

Aminath Majeeda of Hdh. Kulhudhuffushi became the Rehendhi Award winner 2017  in economic category,  from her contribution to the society, encourage women, increase female participation in the society and their relevant fields by conducting several training programs from cake decoration and baking.  She trained more than 950 women in this area since 2007.


Workshop on Women’s Economic Empowerment & Equality

7 December 2016

ALE participated Workshop on Women’s Economic Empowerment & Equality (WE3), hosted by USAID’s Office of Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment, at  the  Plaza Athénéé in Bangkok, Thailand, from December 8-9, 2016, with a Regional Women’s Caucus which took place the day before on Wednesday, December 7, 3:00-7:00pm. The workshop objectives were :-

  • Present USAID’s new WE3 Framework and solicit practical input for implementing it
  • Identify what works for private, public and civil society programs to increase WE3
  • Strengthen existing partnerships and identify new ones around WE3
  • Identify tangible WE3 challenges and create joint action plans to solve them
  • Network, network, network!!!


National Award 2016 

11 November 2016

The National Award is presented in appreciation of, and honouring, the successes of state agencies, independent institutions, companies, associations and individuals in recognition of their national contributions and their work towards nurturing a healthier and more vibrant society.

Founder of ALE Ms. Raheema Adam’s contribution to the nation since 2004 in the area of Women Progress and Women Rights were recognized by the government, and became  the National Award  Winner 2016 from ‘Women Rights and Women Progress’ by His Excellency President Abdulla Yaameen Abdul Gayyoom. The award was presented at a special event held to celebrate Republic Day.



International Training on Leadership Engagement

17 October 2016

Hamdha Sajidh completed International Training on Leadership Engagement and development from  17 October 2016 – 28 October 2016 at Administrative Staff Collage of India, Hyderabad, India. The scholarship was awarded by the Indian Ambassador to Maldives, His Excellency Mr. Akhilesh Mishra.



Specialized Training Program in Special Effects and  Video  post production Techniques

12 September 2016

Reema Mohamed participated the course on Specialized training program in special effects and  video  post production techniques in India, Center for Development of Advanced Computing, Mohali, Punjab from 12 September 2016 – 4 November 2016. The scholarship was awarded by the Indian Ambassador to Maldives, His Excellency Mr. Akhilesh Mishra.

International Program on Human Resource Development and Entrepreneurship Development

18 August 2016

Two members from the association, Rahmathunnisa and Nuzuhath  participated International Program on Human Resource Development and Entrepreneurship Development from 18 August to 30 September 2016 which was held at The National Institute for Entrepreneurship and Small Business Development (NIESBUD), Noida , India. This was a scholarship awarded by the Indian Ambassador to Maldives, His Excellency Mr. Akhilesh Mishra.



Global Leader Summit 2016


Rahmathunnisa and Nuzuhath participated the Global Leader Summit 2016, at Noida, India on September 2016